Student Device Protocols

Device Protocols for year 2 – 8 students at Kohimarama School
Devices are used to support or enhance the students learning as part of a balanced learning programme
● When at school students are to only use their school Google account
● The teacher needs to be able to sight the students screens and will discuss with students the reasons for this
● When not at school the school account can only be used for school related activities
● Use headphones for only teacher directed learning activities for specific tasks and assessments
● Students to use appropriate search engines, as approved by their teacher, for their Year level
● Students can only use devices once the ICT User Agreement has been signed
● Students can only bring devices once the BYOD Agreement has been signed
● Any digital product that involves another students’ image or contribution cannot be shared outside the school environment without permission
● All audio visual material captured by students is to be directly related to a learning task and may only be published at the direction of a teacher
● The Kohimarama email address, including the sending and receiving of emails, is only to be used for school related activities under teacher direction
● All devices should be named and labelled before coming to school
● All devices to come to school fully charged, in a safe carry case
● Personally owned devices to be operated by the owner